Still think this is not a big deal? Your information will be used to make purchases, commit crimes, request new credit cards, provide medical care to others, and more.
All the charges are in your name. And you have to prove it wasn't you! It isn't easy. The criminals have so much information about you, and they have much more experience in it than you do.
Every online action puts your information at risk.Protect your family
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What is happening in cyber
We all carry smartphones. But few realize that they are a significant target for cyberattackers. Phishing is the preferred form of attack. This Insight looks at the attacks, why smartphones are a target and what you can do to be safer.
An attack on BOINC, the open-source network computing platform from UC Berkley is distributing the StealC infoastealer when Boinc is downloaded.
Cybercriminals are now offering access to their AI system on a rental basis making it available to a much wider audience. The attackers will use the AI system to improve their attack code and make it more successful and harder to detect.